Today - February 06, 2025
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Guided Imagery

Your imagination is the most important tool you have.

The primal language of the subconscious mind consists of images and pictures, not words or thoughts.  We first "see" pictures in our mind, then put thoughts and words to the images we see.  It happens so quickly, most of the time we are completely unconscious to the process.  Your internal language of images (your imagination) has a powerful and direct affect on your actions, your feelings and emotions about yourself; your situations in life and your relationships.

Guided Imagery is an imagination technique based on the premise that the mind and body are intrinsically linked together. It is an intentionally directed process where you are guided through imagery experiences designed to support you in generating positive, lasting changes in your life. You are able to access solutions and creative insights not available when in a normal, wakened state of mind.

As Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Learn to "see" yourself shining so brightly everyone else around you has to wear shades!


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To gain an idea of just how powerful the imagination is, either read or listen to this exercise.

Lemon sample Guided Imagery

Imagine you are in your kitchen and you have a very ripe, large yellow lemon on your cutting board… notice the bumpy texture of the lemon’s outer skin as you hold it… now, imagine you are cutting the lemon in half with a sharp knife… feel the pressure as you cut in the lemon in half, noticing its seeds and feeling the sticky drops of lemon juice running over your fingers… breathe in its tangy, sharp citrus odor. Pick up the lemon half and touch your tongue gently to it… feel your mouth pucker as every taste bud responds to the lemon’s juicy tart and sour flavor.

Are you salivating yet?

Guided Imagery has been shown to be effective in:

  • Reducing stress and anxiety
  • Boosting creativity
  • Increasing self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Improved athletic performance
  • Support for achieving goals such as weight loss or smoking cessation
  • Pain management
  • Preparation for public speaking and presentations
  • Enhance coping skills
  • Creative problem solving
  • Reducing insomnia and supporting deep, restful sleep


Guided Imagery differs from Interactive Guided Imagery℠ (IGI℠) in that it is a directed process, where images are given to you with specific instructions on what to do with them and there is no opportunity for feedback from an IGI℠ practitioner.